Friday, September 9, 2011

I've already lost track of time...

Time flies when you're having fun!! No wonder I already feel like it should be Winter Break... I still love the staff, but I'm ready to do more than walk around and answer the kids' questions. Recess is a nice break, though I'm not excited for the winter...

As of today I have something more definite to do for at least 20 minutes -- I get to take groups of the lower kids in math to work with them on their basic math facts. I can work with them using whatever method I want, and I am SO beyond excited for this! Today I experimented with 2 different methods, and I decided that I'll continue using the second method until they know most of their facts, then go back to the first method. Luckily the kids like both activities I did, so hopefully they'll stay engaged!

Otherwise I just grade papers and the like. I don't mind anything I do, I just want to do MORE so that the day goes by faster!!!

I went to Back to School Night, as well, so I got to meet a few parents. The 4th grade team went out to dinner beforehand, and my mentor invited me along so I got to see how well they all get along. It's so fun to see their relationship -- very encouraging!

So, nothing too interesting yet. I'll end my entries with a few funny moments (one of which is PG-13, just fyi!!):

-Yesterday the 4th grade teacher I work with handed me some borders and a stapler and asked me to hang the borders around the word wall (which has been up since before I saw the room). I quietly try to staple it up a couple of times, to no avail. Finally, I decided to just pound the stapler in, thinking that might work. It make a really loud noise but still doesn't work! The teacher looks at me and bursts out laughing, then tells me, "I am SO sorry, I completely forgot that's a chalkboard!" No wonder the staples wouldn't go in! ;-)

-There's no tackling allowed at recess. I saw some and went to stop it, and the boy who was doing the tackling told me "But he said if I give him my chocolate milk I can tackle him!!!"

-The 4th graders are learning Scrabble, and they're not all that great at it yet. I was helping one boy student, who had the letters "O" and "T," and there was a "P" open on the board. I was trying to get him to see that he could make the word "pot," so I said "There's an open letter that you can use to make a word, towards the bottom of the board..." eventually I had to tell him it was the "P." So I said, "What word can you make that starts with 'p'?" He goes, "porn?" LOL.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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